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Consciousness and the Source of Reality

When Robert G. Jahn and Brenda J. Dunne first embarked on their exotic scholarly journey more than three decades ago, their aspirations were little higher than to attempt replication of some previously asserted anomalous results that might conceivably impact future engineering practice, either negatively or positively, and to pursue those ramifications to some appropriate extent. But as they followed that tortuous research path deeper into its metaphysical forest, it became clear that far more fundamental epistemological issues were at stake, and far stranger phenomenological creatures were on the prowl, than they had originally envisaged, and that a substantially broader range of intellectual and cultural perspectives would be required to pursue that trek productively. This text is their attempt to record some of the tactics developed, experiences encountered, and
  • Type: Book

God at the Speed of Light: The Melding of Science and Spirituality

Respected television producer Barbara Hall cited God at the Speed of Light as one of the inspirations for her creation of the CBS TV series “Joan of Arcadia” (2003-05). The unique and supernatural characteristics of light that influenced Hall have equally served to inspire the likes of Copernicus, Ole Romer, Michelson/Morley, Sir Edwin Hubble, and Albert Einstein. Einstein, for instance, frequently envisioned what it would be like to ride on the back of a photon as it sped across the Universe at the speed of light–a speed at which Einstein calculated that time ceased to exist.
  • Type: Book

Bridging Science and Spirit: Common Elements in David Bohm’s Physics, the Perennial Philosophy and Seth

For centuries, humankind has tried to navigate between scientific and spiritual conceptions of reality often without much success. In the resultant confusion scientists, philosophers and theologians have pondered and argued; yet the separation remains. Norman Friedman correlates the quantum physics of David Bohm with the Perennial Philosophy described by Aldous Huxley and the spiritual insights of the channeled entity known as Seth to show how a single reality emerges from seemingly contradictory perspectives; a brilliant synthesis.
  • Type: Book
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