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A Universe Of Consciousness: How Matter Becomes Imagination

What goes on in our head when we have a thought? Why do the physical events that occur inside a fistful of gelatinous tissue give rise to the world of conscious experience? In The Universe of Consciousness, Gerald Edelman and Giulio Tononi present for the first time a full-scale theory of consciousness based on direct observation of the human brain in action. Their pioneering work, presented here in an elegant style, challenges much
  • Type: Book

Debate: Death Is Not Final

If consciousness is just the workings of neurons and synapses, how do we explain the phenomenon of the near-death experience? By some accounts, about 3% of the U.S. population has had one: an out-of-body experience often characterized by remarkable visions and feelings of peace and joy, all while the physical body is close to death. To skeptics, there are more plausible, natural explanations, like oxygen deprivation. Is the prospect of an existence after death "real" and provable by science, or a construct of wishful thinking about our own mortality?
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God at the Speed of Light: The Melding of Science and Spirituality

Respected television producer Barbara Hall cited God at the Speed of Light as one of the inspirations for her creation of the CBS TV series “Joan of Arcadia” (2003-05). The unique and supernatural characteristics of light that influenced Hall have equally served to inspire the likes of Copernicus, Ole Romer, Michelson/Morley, Sir Edwin Hubble, and Albert Einstein. Einstein, for instance, frequently envisioned what it would be like to ride on the back of a photon as it sped across the Universe at the speed of light–a speed at which Einstein calculated that time ceased to exist.
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Bridging Science and Spirit: Common Elements in David Bohm’s Physics, the Perennial Philosophy and Seth

For centuries, humankind has tried to navigate between scientific and spiritual conceptions of reality often without much success. In the resultant confusion scientists, philosophers and theologians have pondered and argued; yet the separation remains. Norman Friedman correlates the quantum physics of David Bohm with the Perennial Philosophy described by Aldous Huxley and the spiritual insights of the channeled entity known as Seth to show how a single reality emerges from seemingly contradictory perspectives; a brilliant synthesis.
  • Type: Book
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