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Fact Checking the First Debate

LONG ISLAND, N.Y. — The first presidential debate between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump certainly kept fact-checkers busy. The less-than-accurate claims included: Clinton wrongly said that the only tax returns that anyone has seen from Trump “showed he didn’t pay any federal income tax.” Trump paid federal taxes in three out of five years in the 1970s.

The Stronger the Boycott, the Thicker the Hype

The New York Times (9/6/16) featured a profile of Driscoll’s, described by reporter Stephanie Strom as “the family-owned berry juggernaut.” “No other company in the world grows berries exactly like these,” readers were told. “Driscoll’s is betting that once consumers know why its berries are distinctive they will demand them by name,” readers were told.

At WaPo, You Can Say Anything to Support TPP–or to Smear Sanders

In pushing trade agreements, it is fair to say anything, even if it has no relationship to the truth. Therefore it is not surprising to see Fareed Zakaria (Washington Post, 9/1/16) pushing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) by claiming that it will boost growth, and attacking Bernie Sanders for opposing “trade policies that have lifted hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest people out of poverty.”
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