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Superstrings: and the Search for the Theory of Everything

Since Einstein, physicists have been pursuing a holy grail – a single theory that would order all the subatomic particles in the universe and unify the forces of nature. Such a theory would answer questions like: How did the universe begin? What is the origin of time? What is matter? What is the ultimate meaning of physical laws? F. David Peat explains the development and meaning of the theory they came up with – the Superstrings Theory – in a
  • Type: Book

New Theories of Everything

Will we ever discover a single scientific theory that tells us everything that has happened, and everything that will happen, on every level in the Universe? The quest for the theory of everything – a single key that unlocks all the secrets of the Universe – is no longer a pipe-dream, but the focus of some of our most exciting research about the structure of the cosmos. But what might such a theory look like? What would it mean? And how close are we to
  • Type: Book

Brain, Mind, and the Structure of Reality

Does the brain create the mind, or is some external entity involved? In addressing this “hard problem” of consciousness, we face a central human challenge: what do we really know and how do we know it? Tentative answers in this book follow from a synthesis of profound ideas, borrowed from philosophy, religion, politics, economics, neuroscience, physics, mathematics, and cosmology, the knowledge structures supporting our meager grasps of reality.
  • Type: Book
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